Wednesday 18 December
09.30-10.00: Opening remarks by the organising committee [Faculteitszaal]
10.00-12.00: Session 1: Language and society [Faculteitszaal]
Chair: Mathijs Debaene
10.00-10.30 | Mathias Seghers (Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication): Mapping the spread of Dutch non-standard language use on corporate Facebook pages: a corpus-based analysis of service-oriented interaction. |
10.30-11.00 | Gemechis Teshome Chali (Department of Linguistics): Investigating the teachers’ beliefs about grammar teaching at Secondary School in Ethiopia: In relation to Communicative Language Teaching. |
11.00-11.30 | Marie Jacobs (Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication): Agency and the lawyer-client relationship in the field of immigration law. |
11.30-12.00 | Pablo Lourenzo Quatra (Department of Linguistics): English-Medium Instruction and Linguistic Nationalism – tensions between the promotion of the local language and university internationalisation. |
12.00-13.30: Lunch break [Faculteitszaal]
13.30-15.30: Session 2: Semantics and pragmatics [Faculteitszaal]
Chair: Thomas Belligh
13.30-14.00 | Tom Bossuyt (Department of Linguistics): Reuniting concessive conditionals. |
14.00-14.30 | Mieke Slim (Department of Experimental Psychology): The Development of Quantifier Representations in L2 English: Lemma Transfer in Comprehension? |
14.30-15.00 | Fien De Latte (Department of Linguistics): Hola guapa, ¿cómo estás? Vocative uses of guapo (‘pretty, handsome’) in colloquial Peninsular Spanish: a semantic-pragmatic and sociolinguistic analysis. |
15.00-15.30 | Elisa De Cristofaro (Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication): The L2 acquisition of Italian discourse markers: a syntactic and prosodic analysis. |
15.30-16.00: Coffee break [Faculteitszaal]
16.00-17.30: Session 3: Delving into the past [Faculteitszaal]
Chair: Tom Bossuyt
16.00-16.30 | Sifra Van Acker (Department of Languages & Cultures): Bantu and Bananas: On Using the Comparative Method to Reconstruct African Precolonial History. |
16.30-17.00 | André Kött (Department of Linguistics): Greetings from the past: on the use of interjections in foreign language textbooks from Early Modern Flanders. |
17.00-17.30 | Shan Bai (Department of Languages and Cultures): Exploring Biyo, a dialect of the Hani language. |
17.30-17.45: Short break
17.45-18.15: Interactive aikido session by Greet De Baets (Department of Translation,
Interpreting and Communication) [Camelot]
19.00: Social dinner [Venue to be announced]
Thursday 19 December
10.00-12.00: Session 4: Exploring culture and discourse [Camelot]
Chair: Elisa De Cristofaro
10.00-10.30 | Sofie Verkest (Department of Linguistics): ”We’re all dying a little bit of air pollution… that really makes my hair stand on end” – Combining linguistic ethnography with discourse analysis in a collaborative journalism case. |
10.30-11.00 | Haiyan Huang (Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication): How Cultural Identities Are Constructed in China’s National Holiday Blockbuster: A Perspective from Political Discourse Analysis. |
11.00-11.30 | Ella Van Hest (Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication): The taboo interpreter: a linguistic ethnographic study into interpreter-mediated interactions on sexual health . |
11.30-12.00 | Suzanne Burdorf (Department of Languages & Cultures): Phone Form – How Medieval Chinese Characters are (In)capable of Expressing Speech Sounds. |
12.00-13.30: Lunch [Avalon]
13.30-15.00: Session 5: The very productive session [Faculteitszaal]
Chair: Simon Aerts
13.30- 14.30 | Margot Van den Heede, Sven Van Hulle, Emmaline Rice & Joren Somers (Department of Linguistics): Productivity across languages and constructions: inchoatives, negation reinforcement & case alternations. |
14.30-15.00 | Linde Roels (Department of Linguistics): Intensification strategies in Spanish: age-based variation and patterns of recent language change. |
15.00-15.30: Coffee break [Faculteitszaal]
15.30-17.00: Session 6: Bringing various languages to the table [Faculteitszaal]
Chair: Aaricia Ponnet
15.30-16.00 | Anaïs Vajnovski (Department of Linguistics): Shell nouns across languages and genres: a comparative investigation in French and Romanian written and oral texts. |
16.00-16.30 | Vanessa De Wilde (Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication): Early foreign language learning in formal and informal settings: young learners’ receptive vocabulary knowledge in French and English. |
16.30-17.00 | Margot Vanhaverbeke (Department of Linguistics): The expression of diminutive values in codeswitching contexts. |
17.00-17.15: Short break [Faculteitszaal]
17.15-18.00: Panel discussion with all participants: “The future of linguistics: linguistics in the future?” [Faculteitszaal]
18.00-19.00: Closing remarks by the organising committee & reception [Faculteitszaal]